How to synchronise your repeat prescriptions

What is synchronisation?

The aim is to order all the medication you have on repeat at the same time rather than irregular times throughout the month.

Why synchronise?

It saves time for you, the doctor, the pharmacist and the dispensers. Medication is less likely to be wasted and you are more likely to remember to take it.

When is not a good time to synchronise?

If your doctor is in the process of adjusting your medication or starting you on new medication he/she may prescribe smaller amounts and it is best to wait for your medication regime to be stable before you synchronise.

Why does repeat medication “go out of sync”?

This happens if medication is packaged in different amounts e.g. 28 v 30 days or if you go into hospital. Sometimes you may stop taking one or more of your medications for a short period.

I sometimes get a “back log” of medication, what shall I do with it?

If you are still being prescribed the medication, check the expiry date, if the item is in date use it up and stop ordering it on repeat temporarily. If it has expired take it back to the dispensary/pharmacy who supplied the medication for safe disposal. Some patients will not require all their medication each month for example pain killers, laxatives, warfarin, inhalers etc. Please do not request a prescription if you do not need it and if a community pharmacy requests your medication on your behalf please ask them to check with you before they order.

Ordering “on-line “is recommended as one of the most reliable and safest ways to request your medication. Please ask at the reception or dispensary for more information.

How do I synchronise my repeat prescriptions?

Please speak to a member of the Dispensary or Reception team who can give you a synchronisation form

When you next need to request an item on repeat, count all the tablets you have and complete the form. The doctor will then issue a “one off” prescription for the medication you need to synchronise.