Before completing the registration form, please review whether your address falls into our practice area. We are unable to accept patients who live outside the boundary.

Enter your postcode in the search box in the top right hand corner of the map below to see if you are living or moving within the Practice Boundary Area.

If you live within the practice catchment area you can register with the practice in the following ways:

To complete the registration form, you will need all the relevant information including the following:

  • NHS number
  • date of birth
  • address details
  • details of previous GP surgery
  • basic health and medical information

Please ensure the GMS1 form and GP Registration Form are is completed in full. Both forms must be brought back into the practice by the person wishing to register with a form of identification.

You may have recently left the forces and wish to register with us. You will need to live within the practice boundary or already live with a family who are registered with us. When you leave the forces, you should be given the option of receiving your medical records for you to pass on to the GP Practice. Alternatively, you will be asked to complete the Military Medical Record Request Form (see below link), which should be handed in when you register with us for us to request your records from the military.

Requests for military medical records can take up to 6 months for us to receive your notes so we would advise that you get copies of your records before you leave so we can merge these with your NHS records. 




If you are ill whilst away from home or requiring medical care, you can receive emergency treatment from a local GP practice. You can register as a temporary resident with the practice for up to 15 days, or if you are here for longer you can register as a temporary resident for up to three months.

Registering as a temporary resident will mean you are still registered at your usual GP practice. You cannot register as a temporary resident if your usual GP surgery is deemed to be within a reasonable travelling distance.

If you need to register with our practice temporarily, please attend either North Thoresby or Holton-le-Clay and request a Temporary Registration form from one of our Care Navigators.